Growing Protests Bring Ethiopia to the Tipping Point

Anuradha Mittal

The past weeks have seen an escalation of ongoing protests across Ethiopia—including widespread acts of resistance like citizens shaving their heads in solidarity with jailed opposition leader Bekele Gerba and stay-at-home protests that have turned bustling cities into near ghost-towns. Despite the undeniable peacefulness of these actions, state violence and repression has continued. Earlier this month, Ethiopia’s Prime Minister authorized the National Defence Force to use “its full force to bring rule of law” in the country. Internet shut downs by the government have been used to silence critics. And,  Addis Standard reported, security forces have broken into the homes of those who are “staying in.”

Land Grabs: Genesis of Ethiopia Protests

While much of this has gone unreported by the international press, news of attacks against at least nine foreign-owned horticultural companies, including those from the Netherlands, Israel, Italy, India, and Belgium—did generate coverage. The attacks caused nearly $8 million in damages to one company alone, Esmeralda Flower Company. A statement released by Esmeralda suggests that many businesses—both local and internationally-owned—with ties to the Ethiopian government are targets. This is not a surprise given take over of lands in the name of promoting development, much against the will and consent of the local populations, generated these protests in late 2015, which are now manifesting themselves as a movement for democracy and freedom.

As discussed in a previous post, the United States has been noticeably silent with regard to recent protests. In early August, after nearly 100 protesters were gunned down by the Ethiopian security forces, the US Embassy in Ethiopia released a paltry statement with the absurd suggestion that protesters should engage in “constructive dialogue” with the government. Less than two weeks later, the State Department issued a travel advisory, but still failed to condemn government’s use of excessive force on the protestors and its role in the political upheaval on the ground.

The Government’s “Self-Defeating Tactics”

But then, on August 21st, US Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Tom Malinowski, released an op-ed, calling the abuses by government officials as “self-defeating tactics.” The strongly worded statement explains that the protests are “a manifestation of Ethiopian citizens’ expectation of more responsive governance and political pluralism” and that protesters are “exercising their right under Ethiopia’s constitution to express their views.” If that isn’t a strong enough endorsement of the protesters, Malinowski then rips apart the myth that the protests are being perpetuated by outside forces—a myth spread far and wide by the Ethiopian government itself.

“When thousands of people, in dozens of locations, in multiple regions come out on the streets to ask for a bigger say in the decisions that affect their lives, this cannot be dismissed as the handiwork of external enemies.”

President Barack Obama meets Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn during 2013 G8 Summit. Credit: Pete Souza, White House Photographer
President Barack Obama meets Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn during 2013 G8 Summit. Credit: Pete Souza, White House Photographer

The Obama Administration’s Responsibility

Last week, according to the Ethiopian government, 23 inmates at the high-security prison, Qilinto, died after a fire where anti-government protesters and political prisoners, including Bekele Gerba, Pastor Omot, Ethiopian Muslim leaders, and many others are being held. The identity of the dead prisoners has not been made public, while the fate of the political leaders remains unknown. At a grave time like this, the importance of a statement from the US government, cannot go understated. However, it is not enough. As the single largest country donor to Ethiopia, the US has huge power and influence in the country. Until recently, the Obama administration may have accepted the lack of democracy, muzzling of media and civil society, and widespread violations of human rights as the price to pay for ensuring stability and strong rule in a country that has been a critical ally in a highly unstable region. Recent developments may prove this to be a miscalculation as growing resentment against the regime’s abuses has ignited instability and violence in the country, with many fearing political unrest, as seen in neighboring South Sudan and Somalia.

To date, silent complicity of the United States has signaled that violent repression on the part of the Ethiopian government is permissible. Time and time again, the Oakland Institute has called the US government out for not taking a stronger stance, asking how much blood must be shed before the US is willing to stand up for human rights and true development in Ethiopia.

With renewed calls for protests against the Ethiopian regime both within and outside the country gaining momentum, perhaps we are at a tipping point. Perhaps this will be the turning of the tide.

Anuradha Mittal is the Executive Director of the Oakland Institute.

The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations says her country has raised “grave concerns” about what it calls excessive use of force against protesters in Ethiopia.

The Associated Press JUBA, SOUTH SUDAN-The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations says her country has raised “grave concerns” about what it calls excessive use of force against protesters in Ethiopia. Ambassador Samantha Power spoke to reporters late Sunday as Read More ...

ታላቁ የ TPLF ሴራ በ አማራ ህዝብ ላይ

ታላቁ የ TPLF ሴራ በ አማራ ህዝብ ላይ ባጭሩ ይህን ይመስላል!

የአማሮች ደም ይመለሳል!
(ሳምሶን ኃይሌ)
ነብሰ ገዳዩ የወያኔ ቡድን በሚቆጣጠረው የፌደራል መንግሥት በኩልና በተላላኪው ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር አማካይነት በሕዝባችን ላይ ጦርነት አውጇል፡፡ አጋዚ የተባለው የዚህ ግፈኛ ቡድን ነብሰ ገዳይ ጦር መብታቸውን በሚጠይቁ አማሮች ላይ እያነጣጠረ በመተኮስ ሕፃናትን፣ ወጣቶችንና አረጋውያንን ገድሏል፡፡ አሁንም በዚኸው ግልጽ የሆነ የዘር ማጥፋት እርምጃው ቀጥሎበታል፡፡ ወያኔዎች የዘረፉትን የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ አንጡራ ሀብትና የሚመሩትን ታይቶ የማይታወቅ የቅንጦት ኑሮ እንዲሁ እንደዘበት አሳልፈው ይሰጣሉ አይባልም፡፡ እንዳበደ ውሻ እየተቅበዘበዙ መናከሳቸው አይቀርም፡፡ መግድላቸውም የሚጠበቅ ነው፡፡
የወሮበላው ቡድን ጭቆና ያንገፈገፈውና የአባቶቹን መሬት ለማስመለስ የቆረጠው የአማራ ሕዝብ ግን አሁንም ከጥይት ጋር በጽናት እየተፋለመ ነው፡፡ ከዚህ በኋላ የቱንም ያህል ቢገድሉት ሕዝባችን ከዚህ ግፈኛ ወሮበላ ቡድን አገዛዝ ነጻ ለመውጣትና የወልቃይት ጠገዴን መሬት ለማስመለስ ቆርጧልና፣ ሺሕዎችን ገብረንም ቢሆን ነጻ እንወጣለን እንጂ ባርነት ምርጫችን አይሆንም፡፡ ይልቁንም፣ የአርበኛ አባቶቹንና አያቶቹን አልበገር ባይነትና ጽናት የወረሰ ደም መላሽ ትውልድ ስለተፈጠረ፣ እስካሁን በነብሰ ገዳዩ የወያኔ ቡድን የተገደሉት ወንድሞቻችንና እህቶቻችን ደምም እንዲሁ እንደዋዛ ፈሶ የሚቀር አይሆንም፡፡ እጥፍ ድርብ ሆኖ ይመለሳል!!!
ሕዝባችን ከየትኛውም ሕዝብ ጋር በሰላም የሚኖር ደግ ሕዝብ ነው፡፡ ከየትኛውም ሕዝብ ጋርም ጠብ የለንም፡፡ የእኛ ግንባር ቀደም ጠላት፣ ከትናንት እስከዛሬ ድረስ በሕዝባችን ላይ የዘመተው ወሮበላው ወያኔ ነው፡፡ ስለሆነም በምንችለው ሁሉ እነዚህን ነብሰ ገዳዮች እንፋለማቸዋለን፡፡ እነሱ ከሕዝባችን ጫንቃ ላይ እስካልወረዱ ድረስ ሰላም አናገኝም፡፡ እነዚህ የባንዳ ልጆች ገዳዮቻችን ናቸውና ከእነሱ ጋር ምንም ዓይነት ኅብረት የለንም፡፡
ወሮበላው ቡድን በለየለት ቂም በቀል ተነሳስቶ በሕዝባችን ላይ የጥይት ናዳ ማዝነቡንና ብዙዎችን መግደሉን ቀጥሎበታል፡፡ በሳሞራ የኑስ የበላይ መሪነት የሚንቀሳቀሰው ነብሰ ገዳዩ የአጋዚ ጦር በሕዝባችን ላይ የለየለት የዘር ፍጅት እየፈጸመ ነው፡፡ ሆኖም ወሮበላው የወያኔ ቡድን የትኛውንም ያህል ጦር ቢያዘምት፣ የአርበኛ አያቶቹን መንፈስ የወረሰ ደም መላሽ ትውልድ ተፈጥሯልና ከዚህ በኋላ የአማራን ሕዝብ ማንበርከክ ጨርሶ አይቻልም፡፡
ውለታ ቢሶች ስለሆኑ ሙታቸውን አልቅሶ እየቀበረ፣ ቁስለኛቸውን እየተንከባከበና ሠራዊታቸውን እያበላ አሳልፎ ለሥልጣን እንዲበቁ ያደረጋቸውን ሕዝብ ውለታ ክደው በአማራ ሕዝብ ላይ ያልፈጸሙት በደል የለም፡፡ በእንቡጥ ሕፃናትን ላይ ጥይት አርከፍክፈው በርካቶችን ፈጅተዋል፤ የአማራ እናቶችን አስለቅሰዋል፡፡ ለዚህ ነው ኅብረት የለንም፤ አንፈልጋቸውም፤ ሌላው ቀርቶ ከለቅሷችን አይድረሱ፣ እኛም ከእነሱ ለቅሶ አንሔድም የምንለው፡፡ መቼም ቢሆን ከገዳዮቻችን ጋር ኅብረት አይኖረንም፡፡ ይልቁንም፣ ለእኛ ፍትሐዊም ተገቢም የሚሆነው የተገደሉብን ወንድሞቻችንና እህቶቻችን ደም መመለስ በመሆኑ፣ ተቀዳሚ ተግባራችን ይህንን ተልዕኮ መወጣት ብቻ ነው፡፡
ጦርነቱ የወሮበላው ወያኔና የአማራ ሕዝብ ጦርነት ነው፡፡ በዚህ በአማራ ሕዝብ ላይ በታወጀ ግልጽ የሆነ የዘር ማጥፋት ጦርነት ላይ የሌሎች ብሔረሰቦች ልጆች የወያኔ መሣሪያ ሆነው በሕዝባችን ላይ እንዳይተኩሱ አጥብቀን እንመክራለን፡፡

Civil society groups urge international investigation into ongoing human rights violations

PRESS RELEASE Ethiopia   (Addis-Abeba) A group of civil society organizations are calling for an independent and impartial international investigation into human rights violations in Ethiopia, including the unlawful killing of peaceful protesters and a recent spate of arrests of Read More ...

Once a Bucknell Professor, Now the Commander of an Ethiopian Rebel Army

Credit Devin Yalkin for The New York Times Why Berhanu Nega traded a tenured position for the chance to lead a revolutionary force against an oppressive regime. BY JOSHUA HAMMER The NY Times Berhanu Nega was once one of Bucknell University’s most Read More ...

Once a Bucknell Professor, Now the Commander of an Ethiopian Rebel Army

Credit Devin Yalkin for The New York Times Why Berhanu Nega traded a tenured position for the chance to lead a revolutionary force against an oppressive regime. BY JOSHUA HAMMER The NY Times Berhanu Nega was once one of Bucknell University’s most Read More ...

Ethiopia’s Regime Prioritizes Power Over Reform as Ethnic Protests Continue

By William Davison In this June 10, 2005 file photo, Ethiopian soldiers patrol the streets of Addis Ababa, after clashes with protesters (AP photo by Karel Prinsloo). ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia—In Ethiopia’s two most-populous ethnic regions, anti-government rallies turned into a bloodbath Read More ...

ወያኔ «ላሊበላ ትግራይ ውስጥ የሚገኝ ውቅር አብያተ ክርስቲያን» መሆኑን ለአለም አስታወቀ!

By Achamyeleh Tamiru ወያኔ «ላሊበላ ትግራይ ውስጥ የሚገኝ ውቅር አብያተ ክርስቲያን» መሆኑን ለአለም አስታወቀ! በሳለፍነው ጥር ወር 2008 ዓ.ም. የመጀመሪያ ሳምንት አካባቢ ወያኔ በኢትዮጵያ ለረጂም አመታት ሲሰራበት የቆየውን የቱሪዝም አርማ ለመለወጥ ዝግጅቱን ማጠናቀቁን በህወሀቱ የቱሪዝም ድርጅት ዋና ሥራ አስኪያጅ በሰለሞን ታደሰ Read More ...

Why are EPRDF doesn’t want you to know these things are happening in Ethiopia?


ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA — After going through its worst drought in 50 years, Ethiopia is again seeing rain. In fact, in some places, it’s falling too hard and has set off floods.

So while the number of people requiring food aid has dropped slightly from 10.2 million in January to 9.7 million, according to the latest figures, there is a new threat of disease in a population weakened by drought.

Measles, meningitis, malaria and scabies are on the rise. And most seriously, there has been an outbreak of something mysteriously called “AWD,” according to the Humanitarian Requirements Document, issued by the government and humanitarian agencies on Aug. 13.

“There is a high risk that AWD can spread to all regions with high speed as there is a frequent population movement between Addis Ababa and other regions,” it warned.

The letters stand for acute watery diarrhea. It is a potentially fatal condition caused by water infected with the vibrio cholera bacterium. Everywhere else in the world it is simply called cholera.

But not in Ethiopia, where international humanitarian organizations privately admit that they are only allowed to call it AWD and are not permitted to publish the number of people affected.

The government is apparently concerned about the international impact if news of a significant cholera outbreak were to get out, even though the disease is not unusual in East Africa.

This means that, hypothetically, when refugees from South Sudan with cholera flee across the border into Ethiopia, they suddenly have AWD instead.

In a similar manner, exactly one year ago, when aid organizations started sounding the alarm bells over the failed rains, government officials were divided over whether they would call it a drought and appeal for international aid.

Police break up anti-government protest in Ethiopian capital


Hundreds of protesters on Saturday clashed with police in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa after campaigners called for nationwide protests due to what they say is an unfair distribution of wealth in the country. (Reuters)

The narrative for Ethiopia in 2015 was a successful nation with double-digit growth, and the government did not want to bring back memories of the 1980s drought that killed hundreds of thousands and left the country forever associated with famine.

“We don’t use the f-word,” explained an aid worker to me back in September, referring to famine.

Like many of its neighbors in the region, Ethiopia has some issues with freedom of expression and is very keen about how it is perceived abroad. While the country has many developmental successes to celebrate, its current sensitivity suggests it will be some time before this close U.S. ally resembles the democracy it has long claimed to be.

Ultimately, the government recognized there was a drought and made an international appeal for aid. The systems put into place over the years prevented the drought from turning into a humanitarian catastrophe — for which the country has earned praise from its international partners.

In the same manner, even though it doesn’t call it cholera, the government is still waging a vigorous campaign to educate people on how to avoid AWD, by boiling water and washing their hands.

Yet this sensitivity to bad news extends to the economic realm as well. Critics have often criticized Ethiopia’s decade of reported strong growth as being the product of cooked numbers. The government does seem to produce rosier figures than international institutions.

After the drought, the International Monetary Fund predicted in Aprilthat growth would drop from 10.2 percent in 2015 to just 4.5 percent in 2016.

Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, maintained, however, that growth would be a robust 8.5 percent, despite the falling agriculture productivity and decreased export earnings.

In the political realm, news of unrest and protests is suppressed. During a weekend of demonstrations on Aug. 6 and 7, the Internet was cut, making it difficult to find out what happened.

Human rights organizations, opposition parties and media tried to piece together the toll from the deadly demonstrations, which according to Amnesty International may have been up to 100.

The United Nations has called for international observers to carry out an investigation in the affected regions, which the government has strongly rejected even as it has dismissed estimates of casualties without providing any of its own.

“That is one of the factors we are struggling against with this government, the blockade of information,” complained Beyene Petros, the chairman of a coalition of opposition parties. “Journalists cannot go and verify. We cannot do that.”

Local journalists are heavily constrained, and as Felix Horne of Human Rights Watch points out, Ethiopia is one of the biggest jailers of journalists on the continent.

“Limitations on independent media, jamming of television and radio signals, and recent blocking of social media all point to a government afraid to allow its citizens access to independent information,” he said.

Foreign journalists do not fare much better, especially if they attempt to venture out of the capital to do their reporting.

In March, the New York Times and Bloomberg correspondents were detained by police while trying to report on the disturbances in the Oromo Region.

They were sent back to Addis Ababa and held overnight in a local prison before being interrogated and released.

In a similar fashion, a television crew with American Public Broadcasting Service was detained on Aug. 8 south of the capital trying to do a story on the drought conditions.

They and their Ethiopian fixer — an accredited journalist in her own right — were released after 24 hours, and they were told not to do any reporting outside of Addis.

In both cases the journalists were all accredited by the Government Communication Affairs Office, with credentials that are supposed to extend the breadth of the country but in practice are widely ignored by local officials.

The government spokesman, Getachew Reda, has dismissed the allegations about the information crackdown in the country and in recentappearances on the Al Jazeera network he maintained that there are no obstacles to information in Ethiopia.

“This country is open for business, it’s open for the international community, people have every right to collect whatever information they want,” he said.

Why are EPRDF doesn’t want you to know these things are happening in Ethiopia?

By Paul Schemm  Washingtonpost Ethiopians wait to fill water cans in February during the recent drought. With the return of the rains, however, have come flooding and disease — something the government is reluctant to discuss. (Aida Muluneh for The Washington Read More ...