Ethiopia security forces kill up to 50 people in crackdown on peaceful protests

Attempted land grab by Ethiopian government has led to violence against ethnic group By Michael Day  Independent People from the Oromia region, close to Addis Ababa, have been discriminated against by Ethiopia’s ruling ethnic groups Reuters The violence-torn Horn of Africa is seeing a fresh wave of repression as Ethiopian authorities crack down on protests

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A bloody crackdown on protesters in Ethiopia

HRW Student protests are spreading throughout Ethiopia’s Oromia region, as people demonstrate against the possibility that Oromo farmers and residents living near the capital, Addis Ababa, could be evicted from their lands without appropriate – or possibly any – compensation. Social media is filled with images of bloodied protesters; there are credible reports of injuries

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ህግ ይከበር: Ethiopian Protesters in Washington DC 12/14 በዋሽንግተን ዲሲ የተካሄደው ሰልፍ

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Ethiopian protesters against EPRDF’s Tedros Adhanom in Israel

Ethiopian protesters against EPRDF’s Tedros Adhanom in Israel

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The gunman ‘diplomat’

By Mihret Feleke  The gunman who tried to take the law into his handsThe news of a shot fired by an Ethiopian embassy staff Solomon Tadesse on peaceful protestors at the embassy of Ethiopia in Washington DC and his ultimate deportation has been the talk of local and international medias. What makes it a very

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Washington DC Ethiopian Embassy Shooting Sparks Rival Protests

By Pamela Dockins, VOA News STATE DEPARTMENT Click to view video. There is more fallout from a shooting last month near the Ethiopian Embassy in Washington that resulted in the embassy security attache being sent home. The incident sparked rival protests Tuesday near the U.S. State Department, with one group urging the United States to

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