Embracing Development and Security Means Embracing Free Expression

By Birtukan Mideksa Freedom Now Last week, Washington D.C. hosted the US-Africa Leaders Summit, where over 50 African heads of state discussed important issues ranging from public health to trade and development. I was honored to participate in a parallel civil society conference that highlighted the challenges faced by civic leaders on the continent, including

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Ethiopia’s “Terrorist” Journalists and Bloggers 

By Adam Bemma Huffington Post NAIROBI, Kenya - A cursory glance at the headlines shows that Ethiopia has one of Africa’s fastest growing economies. But the noise generated by the hyperbolic international media is drowning out the critical voices. Political opposition is being strangled by the authorities as activists and journalists are arrested and thrown into

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Ethiopian gov’t to bring criminal charges against 6 weeklies 

Reporters Without Borders  Ethiopia’s justice ministry has announced that it is bringing criminal charges ranging from “dissemination of false rumours with the intent of overthrowing the government” to “undermining public trust in the government and attempts at fostering ethnic and religious divisions” against six news weeklies. In a communiqué released on 5 August, the ministry

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Ethiopian gov’t to bring criminal charges against 6 weeklies 

Reporters Without Borders  Ethiopia’s justice ministry has announced that it is bringing criminal charges ranging from “dissemination of false rumours with the intent of overthrowing the government” to “undermining public trust in the government and attempts at fostering ethnic and religious divisions” against six news weeklies. In a communiqué released on 5 August, the ministry

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Ethiopia and its press: The noose tightens

The Economist Bloggers and journalists who criticise the government are under the cosh  ADDIS ABABA- A RANKING that countries do not aspire to ascend is the one compiled by the Committee to Protect Journalists, a New York-based group. It reckons that Ethiopia is Africa’s second-worst jailer of journalists, ahead only of its ultra-repressive neighbour and

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The World Tweets for Ethiopia’s Zone9 Bloggers on July 31

Global Voices By Ellery Roberts Biddle Free Zone9 Tumblr collage. Images used with permission. Join Global Voices bloggers for a worldwide, multilingual tweetathon in support of the ten bloggers and journalists facing terrorism charges in Ethiopia. The Global Voices community and our network of allies are demanding justice for these men and women, all of whom have

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Ethiopia needs to do better: That’s the message for Ethiopia

Houston Chronicle  As they ready for two days of wheeling and dealing with a high-ranking Ethiopian delegation at a local hotel, Houston business and elected leaders today need to look beyond a foreign market opportunity and first ask hard questions about Ethiopia’s recent crackdown on nine journalists, as well as the country’s unsuccessful move this

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41 Organizations Call for Release of Detained Ethiopian Journalists and Bloggers

Freedom-now.org Media Release  (Image courtesy: Htext Africa) Washington, D.C.: Today, Freedom Now joined 40 other human rights and civil society organizations in a letter to Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn expressing grave concern at the continued targeting of journalists and bloggers on terrorism charges. The letter, also joined by organizations such as Human Rights Watch,

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41 Organizations Call for Release of Detained Ethiopian Journalists and Bloggers

Freedom-now.org Media Release  (Image courtesy: Htext Africa) Washington, D.C.: Today, Freedom Now joined 40 other human rights and civil society organizations in a letter to Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn expressing grave concern at the continued targeting of journalists and bloggers on terrorism charges. The letter, also joined by organizations such as Human Rights Watch,

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CPJ calls on Ethiopian Government to Release Imprisoned Journalists

CPJ CPJ is among a group of more than 40 regional and international press freedom and civil society organizations that have signed a joint letter to Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn expressing concern over the recent imprisonment of Ethiopian journalists under the country’s far-reaching 2009 anti-terrorism law. In April, Ethiopian authorities arrested six bloggers–Abel Wabella,

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