Damn If You Do! Damn If You Don’t! 

The Ethiopian university students’ unrest and massacre  By Andualem Tefera, Editor, Eskemeche  May 10, 2014 We all should condemn the unbridled use of force by TPLF in Ambo and everywhere in Ethiopia. The way it dealt with these innocent university

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Abebe Gellaw’s letter to Obama

President Barack Obama 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500 May 8, 2014 Dear Mr. President, It is a great honor and privilege for me to attend this unique reception organized in your honor at the Fairmont Hotel, San Jose.

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Ethiopian bloggers allege being beaten in detention

AFP  Addis Ababa (AFP) – Three Ethiopian bloggers appeared in court Thursday with two alleging they had been beaten while in detention, a case that has been condemned internationally as an assault on press freedom. The three are part of

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Breaking News: U.S. Based Ethiopian Journalist Interrupts Obama To Speak Up For Freedom In Ethiopia

De Birhan.com May 9, 2014 San Jose, California–U.S. President Barack Obama has agreed with journalist Abebe Gellaw’s demand to support freedom in Ethiopia and help free bloggers, journalists and political prisoners jailed by the tyrannical regime.  Abebe Gelaw did interrupt

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Ethiopian Court Grants 10 More Days for Blogger Terror Probe 

By William Davison, Bloomberg  May 9, 2014 The Zone 9 bloggers An Ethiopian court granted police 10 more days to investigate nine bloggers and journalists suspected of conspiring with “terrorist” organizations in a case that’s raised concern from the U.S.

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Ethiopian bloggers allege being beaten in detention

AFP Addis Ababa (AFP) – Three Ethiopian bloggers appeared in court Thursday with two alleging they had been beaten while in detention, a case that has been condemned internationally as an assault on press freedom. The three are part of

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Ethiopian Bloggers, Journos Court Case Adjourned; Two More Detained At The Scene

De Birhan 7 May 2014 Journalist Tesfalem Waldeyes and Blogger Zelalem Kibret escored by armed police in Court today (picture Courtesy of Twitter updates) The closed trail of three of the six detained members of the bloggers’ collective, Zone 9

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United Nations condemns crackdown on journalists in Ethiopia

UN News Center The United Nations human rights chief today condemned the crackdown on journalists in Ethiopia and the increasing restrictions on freedom of opinion and expression in the Horn of Africa nation. The comments by High Commissioner for Human

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John Kerry knows Ethiopia is repressive. So why does Washington keep shoring it up?

An Unholy Alliance in East Africa Politico By BRONWYN BRUTON May 05, 2014 John Kerry’s hastily announced trip to Africa last week is something of an occasion: It’s the first time he has set foot in sub-Saharan Africa as secretary

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UN rights chief condemns new Ethiopia journalist arrests

Geneva (AFP) – UN human rights chief Navi Pillay on Friday condemned the arrest of nine bloggers and journalists in Ethiopia, warning that the country increasingly was muzzling freedom of expression under the guise of fighting terrorism. “I am deeply

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